Frequently Asked Questions
What is Melaleuca, The Wellness Company?
Are the products expensive?
Is there an auto-ship program?
Can one just be a Customer?
Is there a monthly commitment?
Is Melaleuca Multi-Level Marketing?
Is Melaleuca an illegal Pyramid Scheme disguised as a legitimate Business Opportunity?
This site presents a detailed expose on Melaleuca, The Wellness Company, so that an informed decision can be made whether or not to have anything to do with the company, whether that be as a customer, or their "work from home" business model opportunity.
Step 1: Start with, "Knowledge Is Power", by clicking the menu bar selection above and get educated.
If you have any questions whatsoever about what you've heard of Melaleuca, read online, etc..., please contact Head Office at www.melaleuca.com for the latest details, or by completing the form below.
This website is for educational purposes only and serves the purpose of providing a reliable source of the most up to date truths about Melaleuca, The Wellness Company.